Alongside the Core Pathway to Computer Science offering, our Fresher, Junior & Senior Groups will have a fantastic opportunity to attend a second session per week with us in addition to their core coding class.

The Pathway Extension classes give students the opportunity to code for another 1 hour every week. In this hour they will get a chance to explore more of what computer science has to offer.

Each age group will cover content tailored to their age and coding level, with an emphasis on exploring a new technology, transferring and solidifying the knowledge obtained from the core classes.


To register for this second stream of coding, please select the ‘Pathway Extension Class’ option from the dropdown at checkout.


Autumn Term - Web Dev

Why should my child learn WEB DEV?

Learning web development equips children with essential technical and creative skills that are highly relevant in today’s digital age. It fosters problem-solving abilities, logical thinking, and creativity as they build websites and interactive applications. By creating websites to showcase their Scratch projects from core classes, students can directly link their learning and see real-world applications. 

Additionally, web development offers a platform for children to bring their ideas to life, enhances their understanding of technology, and prepares them for future career opportunities in a tech-driven world. This versatile skill set encourages continuous learning and personal growth, making it applicable in various fields.

Spring Term - Python

Why should my child learn PYTHON?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It's used in everything from machine learning to building websites and software testing. Python has created everything from Netflix’s recommendation algorithm to the software that controls self-driving cars! Python's syntax is similar to English, making it one of the easiest coding languages to learn.

Students in our pathway extension classes will see how the concepts learned in their core coding class can be applied in various contexts. This hands-on approach helps them understand the versatility of their skills and encourages them to explore new areas for their ideas.


Our Fresher Python course starts with Python turtle, focusing on block-based programming similar to Scratch. This familiar approach allows students to concentrate on learning fundamental concepts without being overwhelmed by syntax. As they build confidence and understanding, students will transition to text-based programming, gradually moving on to more advanced and authentic Python applications.

This progression ensures a solid foundation in programming principles while providing the skills needed for real-world Python programming.


Autumn Term - Twine & Web dev

Why should my child learn Twine?

In the world of interactive storytelling and game development, Twine stands as a powerful and accessible tool that empowers anyone to create their own interactive narratives without requiring extensive programming knowledge. Whether you're a writer, educator, game designer, or simply someone with a story to tell, learning Twine can offer a multitude of benefits.

First and foremost, Twine is incredibly user-friendly. Its intuitive interface and straightforward syntax make it easy to grasp, even for those with no prior coding experience. This allows you to focus on crafting your narrative and designing interactive elements without getting bogged down in complex technicalities. Twine's simplicity enables you to quickly prototype ideas and iterate on your story, giving you the freedom to experiment and refine your work.

For more advanced students, Twine offers the opportunity to delve into the code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This allows you to tailor your projects beyond the basic features, adding unique interactive elements and advanced functionality that can set your story apart.

Spring Term - Pytch


Pytch, developed by academics from Trinity College Dublin, serves as an ideal bridge from Scratch to Python. It provides an excellent platform for students to merge coding with creativity. For those who have attended our Fresher course or learned Scratch elsewhere, the Scratch-like elements of Pytch will feel familiar, allowing for a seamless transition. For those brand new to coding Pytch’s user-friendly interface and straightforward setup makes it easy to start coding without being overwhelmed by complex technical details. 

By working in a familiar environment, students can build a strong foundation in Python while exploring new coding concepts. Pytch's user-friendly interface and engaging projects make learning both fun and educational, ensuring your child develops essential coding skills in an enjoyable and supportive setting.

Senior - Game Development


The Senior Pathway Extension class focuses on game development using the Godot game engine. Game engines are used by developers to build their games. Godot provides students with a powerful and versatile tool, fostering creativity and technical skills simultaneously. As an open-source game engine, Godot is known for its ease of use, making it an ideal choice for beginners while offering advanced features for experienced developers.

One of the standout features of Godot is its scripting language, GDScript, which is similar to Python. This similarity makes GDScript easy to learn for those already familiar with Python, such as students who have completed our Fresher and Junior Extension classes, while also being accessible to beginners.

Students on this course will be able to leverage the fundamental coding skills they have already developed in the core classes to build immersive game worlds and program exciting adventures in Godot.

Unlike the Fresher and Junior extension class, the Senior extension class will solely focus on game development, giving students an opportunity to delve deeply into the topic. Like the core Pathway to Computer Science classes the students will have the opportunity to continue the game development course over multiple years.

By joining the Senior Pathway Extension class, students will gain hands-on experience with industry-standard tools, develop advanced coding skills, and explore their creativity through game development. This course is an excellent opportunity for students to prepare for a tech-driven future while having fun creating their own games.